LN5 7LY properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the LN5 7LY area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
235024233 Get address Stanley Place 53.222498 -0.536928
235024234 Get address Stanley Place 53.222403 -0.537231
235024235 Get address Stanley Place 53.222346 -0.536993
235024236 Get address Stanley Place 53.222376 -0.537247
235024237 Get address Stanley Place 53.22231 -0.53701
235024238 Get address Stanley Place 53.22234 -0.537248
235024239 Get address Stanley Place 53.222283 -0.537011
235024240 Get address Stanley Place 53.222313 -0.537279
235024241 Get address Stanley Place 53.222247 -0.537027
235024242 Get address Stanley Place 53.222277 -0.53728
235024243 Get address Stanley Place 53.222212 -0.537043
235024244 Get address Stanley Place 53.222528 -0.537182
235024245 Get address Stanley Place 53.222251 -0.537281
235024246 Get address Stanley Place 53.222471 -0.536944
235024247 Get address Stanley Place 53.222501 -0.537198
235024248 Get address Stanley Place 53.222435 -0.53696
235024249 Get address Stanley Place 53.222465 -0.537214
235024250 Get address Stanley Place 53.222408 -0.536961
235024251 Get address Stanley Place 53.222438 -0.537215
235024252 Get address Stanley Place 53.222373 -0.536978